Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs


Categories: Christian Principles

Some people look at life like a slot machine.  They put in as little as possible and then expect to get out as much as they can!

Such a man goes through life never giving himself - never really putting anything into it. And he's always expecting his big break - expecting to hit the jackpot!  He usually envies the man at the top - figures he had all the breaks! It never occurs to him that generally men make it to the top by faith, plain hard work, struggle, and sacrifice.

Pitiful little men go through life with a chip on their shoulder - begrudging everyone who succeeds. They never give a man credit for his achievement - and they never blame themselves for getting nowhere!

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap."  (Galatians 6:7)

A man who makes no proper investments in life - in people - in causes greater than himself - can expect to be disappointed with what life hands him.          -

By:  Tom Butterfield