Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“Idolatry and Modern Man”

Categories: Christian Principles

Daily Devotional
By Tom Smith

Recently while talking to someone on the internet, I ask them to visit the church of Christ. Their reply, "I've been before. Don' t care for it. It really didn' t impress me at all." This got me to thinking. This aptly illustrates how man's folly has ascribed "deity" to those things which are a mere reflection of himself. Such is the truth of idolatry. That which is ascribed to "God" is actually a mirrored reflection of self. The folly of idolatry is that many never see this Truth.

At the beginning of the 10 Commandments is the sin of idolatry. This is the "sin of sins" for once begun man's understanding is forever befuddled; the Truth of God is polluted; all is lost! Idolatry remains man's greatest threat! Modern man will not become an idolater in the sense of the pagan mythologies of the Greeks and Romans. These bowed down to a material image crafted with hands from precious metals or sacred wood/rocks. Modern man is too far "advanced" for this.

Modern man's lure into idolatry is much more subtle and this is where it is much more deadly. "The essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are unworthy of Him. It begins in the mind. The idolater simply imagines things about God and acts as if they were true". Satan's evil scheme is not to get us to say there is no God but to say there is a different God than what the Bible teaches. The success of this evil scheme is repeatedly found in Scripture and has subtly invaded our modern society. In fact, it is alarming to see just how successful Satan's scheme has been.

The idolater today is one who has mentally modified the God of the Scriptures so that He is now more attractive, more tolerant, more permissive, more loving, less denouncing, less damning, and less restrictive. Modern idolatry accepts religion and God, but first modifies each to suit personal tastes. The result, a religion of convenience but no conviction; a god who is personal and up close but not the sovereign Lord; adherents who follow feelings rather than faith.

Many today say there is no absolute truth. Therefore what may be "true" to one is false to others. One's concept of God is thus built upon an ever-changing foundation. Because they are not following Truth, they will constantly change beliefs. This will lead them to be confronted with the inconsistencies in their belief system. They will not be able to "prove" all things; they are unable to "test" teachings in an objective manner. When asked to give answers to religious beliefs, they will be confused. When asked about beliefs they either get upset for being asked or try to explain with irrational feelings instead of confident facts. Their departure from the biblical God brings them to shame. Ultimately they become upset because they are asked to give a reason. They prefer to be left alone with their idolatry, never confronted.

The only reason one rejects the biblical concept of God is to follow self. When we refuse to crucify self (Lk 9:23) we will submit to our selfish desires. This selfishness soon re-designs God so that one feels he has divine approval. The selfish person looks at the biblical teaching regarding God but he does not like what he sees. He then whittles upon the biblical concept until a more appealing "god" is found. This stubbornness fuels the individualism that feeds idolatry. Modern man seeks to find God in "his own way; by his own experience; with his personal meaning."

How do you view God? Is it crafted to personal tastes? Is it according to the Truth of the Scriptures? We may not like certain aspects of God presented in the Scriptures. We may not like the emphasis upon God's rules, laws, and commands. We may not like the fact that the God of Scripture is Sovereign and thus has a right to demand that we do some things and not do other things.

The reality is that modern man has not accepted the simple description of God in the Scriptures. Modern minds have crafted a pantheon of gods. The members of this group are popular in the lives of modern men. Sadly, some Believers have re-designed the biblical God. It does not matter what you/I like or dislike about God. God is and He will not change. He is the "great I AM." All we can do is accept Him as He is and obey His will (1 Jn 5:21).