Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“Hard of Hearing”

Categories: Christian Principles

By: J. Raymond Pecoraro

Some people suffer from deaf of hearing; others suffer from partial hearing; yet others suffer from selective hearing when it comes to hearing God and His Word. God speaks to us through His Word daily and we must take the time to listen. This is definitely in our best interest!

Jimmy, a precious three-year-old, watched his mother making chocolate chip cookies. He asked his mother if he could have one of her delicious cookies. His mother told him that he could not because it was near his suppertime and she didn't want his meal spoiled. Little Jimmy ran to his room in tears only to reappear a short time later to let his mother know that it was okay for her to give him a cookie. He proceeded by saying that Jesus told him it was okay. His mother replied telling him that he must not have been listening!

Jimmy's motivation was wrong, but he was absolutely right about two things: God longs to speak to us, and we need to listen.

In I Samuel 3:9, another little boy learned those same ageless principles. When Samuel followed Eli's counsel and prayed, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears," he was open to receiving God's powerful message. Like Samuel, we long to hear God speaking to us but often fail to discern His voice.

God spoke audibly to Samuel back in those days. Today, He speaks to us through the Bible given by Inspiration of the Holy Spirit. (II Timothy 3:16, 17). But as a result of neglect and nonstop activity, some people have become "hard of hearing." Some folks require "spiritual hearing aids" like the one in Samuel's prayer. Are you the servant of God who says, "Speak, Lord, for your servant hears?" This humble attitude will cause you to receive blessings from above because you heard God!

Adjust your spiritual hearing aid and set a special time each day to read and meditate upon God's Word. Also make prayer your priority throughout the day!