Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs


Categories: Marriage and Family
The Sunday Slant is published by Tom Butterfield

How do you measure the influence of a father?  How far-reaching is a man's power and example regarding his family?

A young man had become an ugly sore to his family and community.  He had turned to drinking, drugs and all other sorts of evil. His wife and children no longer had a man and a daddy they could look up to. He lost his job and was nothing short of a "waste!"

However, there came a day when all this changed. The community was shocked when he straightened out his life, became a real man and father to his precious wife and children. He went back to church and really made something of his life.  People talked among themselves about the change they had seen. They were in disbelief.

Everyone, that is, except one older man who had lived his life in this small community. He said, "I'm not one bit surprised that this man turned his life around and became the person he should be, because, you see, I knew his father, and he was one of the finest and most decent men ever to live in this town."

Interesting!  This father, though he had died years ago, was still having an influence upon his wayward and wasteful son. God declared that the influence of a father - his impact, whether it be good or bad - may be felt by his offspring for three or four generations to come. (Numbers 14:18)  Wow!  Think about that, guys!  What we say and do WILL BE FELT FOR YEARS TO COME!

Daddy, the future of your kids is largely in your hands. How will YOU be remembered?