Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs


Categories: Marriage and Family

Remember when novels used to end with, “And they lived happily ever after”? I venture to guess that rarely, if ever, has a marriage been entered into with a desire for less than “happiness every after.” Charlie, a teenager, asked his uncle Ted, who had been married for more than 50years, what was the secret to a happy marriage. Uncle Ted answered, “You can be happy in your marriage if you choose to be happy.” Here are a few rules that will help marriages become happier: 


1. Make a decision to be happy. 


2. Think kind and happy thoughts about each other. 


3. Choose to say positive things to each other. 


4. Choose to have fun time together. 


5. Always keep the forgiveness door open. 


6. Choose to send out positive vibes to each other. 


7. Choose to be optimistic even in tough times. 


8. Choose to be kind and courteous to each other. 


9. Keep conversations cheerful and open…listen. 


10. Remember each day is the first day of the rest of your life. 


11. Live with the end in view. 


12. Get up on the “right side” of the bed. 


Happiness in marriage is a choice that originates inside the heart. It doesn’t depend on external trappings or circumstances.


J.J. Turner