Ministers Blogs

Ministers Blogs

“New Bible Curriculum for Bible Class”

New Bible Curriculum for Bible Class

“Come, O children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.” Ps. 34:11

                   Starting today (Jan. 1) our Bible Classes from 2 years old to High School will be starting a new Bible curriculum.  The curriculum is published by Shaping Hearts for God publishing and the following is some information from their web page:

Shaping Hearts for God curriculum includes many features that enhance and enrich students' learning. The curriculum also provides valuable suggestions and creative ideas to help teachers connect with their students. These features include:

•        Biblically accurate and personally applicable

•        Age-appropriate, student-friendly format in brilliant colors

•        Bible Reading and Memory Verses graduated in difficulty to be tailored to students' ages and capabilities

•        Three-year study covering the entire Bible

•        Promotes family Bible reading and study

•        Supplemental materials to enhance and enrich teaching and learning.


This quarter the Bible study will be from the book of Genesis.  To help our children get the most out of these lessons our eldership and myself encourage all parents to bring their children to Bible class.  If you need help finding a Bible class I or one of our ushers will be glad to help direct, you and your child to the correct class.  Second to get the most out of the learning experience there will be a daily Bible reading printed in the bulletin that will go with each week’s Bible lesson.  The Bible reading will also be posted on bulletin boards around the church building.  Parents will be encouraged to read and study the Bible readings with their children, parents are also encouraged to help their children learn their memory verses, and review the Bibles lessons with their children.  There will also be weekly take home worksheets from the Bible class teacher to let parents know what their children are doing in Bible Class.  So, parents we are asking for your help to review and study the weekly Bible lessons and Bible readings with your children.  This will help your children come closer to God and help them with the learning process.  Parents can also download Bible Knowledge flash cards from the Shaping Hearts for God web site so they may review Bible facts learned throughout the quarter.

                   All parents and teachers are encouraged to learn more about this material and how it can be best used by going to this website

                   If anyone has questions, please let me know and I will be glad to help.  Let’s have a great quarter learning God’s word!  Be God’s Mark T.

Let’s Build relationships with our students

There was a teacher once who said that she would continue teaching Bible class upon only one condition.  This condition was that a certain girl be removed from her class.  She could do nothing with the girl who was crude, rude, and generally disrespectful in her conduct.  The teacher was persuaded instead to try praying for the girl fifteen minutes each day of two weeks.  She soon realized that she did not know enough about the girl to pray for fifteen minutes.  This led to a call in the girl’s home where the teacher discovered that the student was merely eager for attention.  Knowing the girl’s background, the teacher became found of the girl and was able to lead her into such growth that the problem girl later became one of the best teachers in the Sunday school.  (Author Unknown).